on November 19
th, 2020 @ approximately 3:45pm ET
Rudy Giuliani & the rest of President Trump’s legal team held a press conference
regarding the election fraud claims in states around the US.
During this conference, which was not live covered by any of the mainstream
media companies (except Fox) Giuliani lectured the media about the way they now cover (or don’t
cover) the news. More than my reaction to the information given during this press conference, I want to focus on what Giuliani said about the media. Of course, in order to do so, I must also give information on what was said in the press conference, gonna try to do my best here.
The legal team cited examples & gave information regarding affidavits they
have received from sources in regards to the current & upcoming lawsuits
being filed regarding the various claims of fraud during the 2020 election. We
the people should already understand that because of the nature and possible
explosiveness of this information, the legal team can not and should not provide the
media with all the information the team has acquired. That is not the way it
The media has no right to expect or demand names, specifics, etc. because if the
team’s information is valid & those presumed guilty had access to what
information has been acquired, the guilty parties could start making that
information disappear, change, become unusable. People who have publicly given
information are already being threatened and harassed not just by angry members
of the opposing side, but those people and organizations behind the alleged
election tampering. This story, if true, could place the actual lives of these people
who speak out and those of their families, in danger. This is not a movie, this
is real. So at best, the media uses faulty logic when they assume that just because they were not handed every piece of evidence, the evidence does not exist. At worst, the media fully knows, but doesn't care.
So, with this knowledge in hand, what did the mainstream media giants, who did not bother to cover the press conference in real time for their viewers have to say AFTER the
press conference?
Late last night and early this morning, I visited their web sites to find out.
And here are the results. It is a disgrace. I displayed the time from my
computer and only did shots of the opening pages of each site, to show just how
relevant each network thought the press conference was to the public.

Until the courts have viewed and ruled on the evidence the team claims to have, NOTHING can be termed as “debunked”. THAT is an outright lie, one that the Big Tech companies & the mainstream media with their “fact-checkers” have turned in to a narrative they expect us all to blindly accept. The media has no authority to determine whether something is “baseless” – they do not have the authority or the evidence-in-hand or the tools needed to decide. That is NOT THEIR JOB. MSNBC goes so far as to call him (Giuliani) an outright LIAR when they have no proof of that statement. CNN characterized the entire press conference as “bananas” basically telling the viewers there is nothing of interest or substance to be found by watching. CBS made no mention of the conference. Fox did at least, acknowledge there was a press conference, and they covered it at the time. You can say that is because of bias that favors the President if you want, but in reality they cover a lot of stories that would suggest just the opposite, if taken out and stood alone. Point still being ONE of the more-recognized networks made any attempt to report this as “news”.
And as they mock Giuliani, I realize because of age, poor history education, or other factors, some of you may have no idea who this guy really is... So let me give you a little history lesson.
→Mafia Commission Trial (80’s) – indicted the head members of the “Five Families” of the US mafia – 3 of the 5 were sentenced to 100+ years in prison, the other two “evaded prosecution” by being assassinated. (Not assassinated by Giuliani, just so ya know)
→Wall Street Insider Trading (80-90’s) – indicted & attained prosecution of Boesky & Milken, two Wall Street men who had amassed a huge fortune via insider trading, which, although always an illegal practice, was rarely prosecuted. Boesky took a plea deal, serving 3.5 years in prison & fines over 100 million dollars In exchange for cooperation in attaining 98 counts of racketeering & fraud against Milken.
→Mayor of New York City – 1994-2001 (highlights)
Unprecedented drop in crime in NYC during his terms
One of the first to give partnership rights to same-sex couples, granting equal benefits as those in traditional relationships.
Advocated voucher-based education choices, giving kids a chance at attending better schools instead of restricting them by location
→Time Magazine’s “Man of the Year” – mainly attributed to his response & actions following 9/11
Plus numerous other awards & recognitions over the years. He’s not just some clown, he’s well-versed in both criminal prosecution & politics. He's been around a long time.
But in spite of all this, & presumably because of his current position on President Trump’s legal team the mainstream media refuses to acknowledge or cover this investigation in to possible election tampering and fraud.
That is unacceptable and outrageous. Whether these claims be right or wrong, valid or insane, regardless of who's behalf the claims are being made, the American public has the right to be informed & the press has the responsibility to provide us that information. Not sarcastic comments or assumptions by the so-called journalists, but information.
As I continue to say – it is their job to INFORM us, not INFLUENCE us. They have forgotten this. They need to be reminded.
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