Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Less Traffic on the Road Less Traveled

The world we live in today saddens me & often repulses me as well. Just saying this, I feel like one of the old folks from my childhood who sat around reminiscing about when gas was a nickle a gallon, but it goes so much deeper than the high cost of living (in monetary terms), & now in retrospect, I bet it did for those folks, too - I just never listened. The "cost of living" in today's world is high - and not just in terms of money- so high it is inconceivable.

In today's world, there is a sense of entitlement that I find ridiculous. So many people who honestly believe that the government, the world, hell even LIFE- owes them something... When in reality, none of us are owed a damn thing, life is given to us, & it is up to us what we make of it.

In a world like ours, nothing has value to these people - because they have not had to invest anything of their own to get it. Resources that cannot be replaced are being used up with no concern for generations to follow, material things are discarded without a thought, and emotional ties are trivialized to the point they are almost non-existent. Faith is mocked, family is mocked, life and what you make of it is a shadow of what it should be.

I am one of those who were cut from a different cloth. After life, nothing was ever "given" to me - everything I ever had I had to earn, whether it be material items or things of the soul & spirit & heart. And because I had to work hard to get what I rightfully call "MINE", I adamantly refuse to let those things be taken from me without my knowledgs or consent. That includes my faith, my husband, my family, my home, & all of it's contents.

God, by way of my parents, gave me life - but my own blood, sweat, & tears made that life what it is today. I value everyone & everything in it & would die or kill to keep what is rightfully mine.

Once upon a time, I was more naive and forgiving of those who would cross that line but the more time I spend in this world where so many believe that they should be handed everything for doing nothing, where morals & ethics no longer exist and one respects anything the more determined I become to hold on to what I have. 

I have spent almost 50 years becoming who and what I am, I have half of that time invested in raising my children, and 20 years invested in my marriage. My family is an investment of half my years on this earth, and in terms of value is priceless beyond your wildest imagining (in my own eyes and my own heart)- I will never back down or step aside when it comes to them, & you can be certain that they would never want me to. I don't know how many people can even comprehend the magnitude of this type of committment - not in this world where every kid has a different daddy & so many of those children are dropped off like puppies or kittens to be raised by relatives or even strangers... where partners in a relationship are changed from week-to-week, where the concept of "til death to us part" is just words that are said...

This is not the world of my choosing, but this IS the life I have chosen. I will do whatever it takes to keep this world & it's shortcomings from destroying any part of my life. I will do the best I can to make sure my faith, my morals, & my ethics are handed down to those who follow my bloodline, it is a harder road to travel, but hey, there is a lot less traffic!

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