When I am in the privacy of MY OWN HOME and the anthem plays - even if I am the ONLY PERSON HERE I stop what I am doing and
It doesn't matter that no one can see me, it is because I am PROUD to be a small piece of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - because I respect the soldiers who fought and died for us, & I respect the flag that represents us. I do it to HONOR our nation.
"America - Love it or Leave it"
does anyone else remember that phrase? I grew up with it, I agree with it wholeheartedly.
These players showed the entire WORLD that we are not a UNITED nation, but a DIVIDED one, tearing itself to pieces from the INSIDE - it says to the world - "Just sit back, watch & wait - they (the USA) are easy prey" - a potentially dangerous face to present to a world that would LOVE to see us fall - because they have for so long envied us our freedoms, our strength, our prosperity & our temerity.
Shame on you - every last one of you - the players and management who support them, the fans who are cheering them for their disrespectful display - "America - LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT" - can you say "Bye Felicia" & start packing?? I SINCERELY HOPE SO!
At this point, I had thought I was finished, but then proceeded to read a statement by the owner of the jagu-offs (oops) jaguars- excerpts and my reactions to his "statement".
I saw this:
And immediately thought...
One of the most moronic statements I have ever heard -- & that is saying a LOT
Scene: An event being televised WORLDWIDE -
Some standing in Honor & Respect, others kneeling to protest the display of Honor & Respect - exactly how is this supposed to signify unity or even potential unity? Is this guy for REAL??
One of the most moronic statements I have ever heard -- & that is saying a LOT
Scene: An event being televised WORLDWIDE -
Some standing in Honor & Respect, others kneeling to protest the display of Honor & Respect - exactly how is this supposed to signify unity or even potential unity? Is this guy for REAL??
Sadly it got worse...
He also said...
"Our team and the National Football League reflects our nation, with diversity coming in many forms – race, faith, our views and our goals"
Do you see where he says they REFLECT OUR NATION?!!? If this is what he or they think is a proper reflection of our nation, I for one say:
You know what, you jag-ass? Take your reflection and stick it where it can't reflect on anyone else!
OUR GOALS? To disrespect "OUR NATION" to the whole world? I don't know who the hell the WE & OUR is he refers to, but I damn sure am not one of them. Screw you jaguars, ravens, and anybody else who sees this as the PROPER way to "REFLECT OUR NATION" PLEASE go reflect someone ELSE'S nation with that mess.